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World of the World.






Archive page of Wataru Yamakami

WE - Entrance and Exit of the World

2023/08/01-8/11 Event
WE - 入口と世界の出口 WE - Entrance and Exit of the World

Wataru Yamakami Exhibition & Talk show

2023/06/08-6/11 Event
山上渡 美術展 & トークショー Wataru Yamakami Exhibition & Talk show

Solo Exhibition@Toyama “World of the world -Gathering wind, to send off into the sky-”

2022/07/16-9/25 Event
個展@富山 セカイノセカイ - 風をあつめてそらにはなつ - Solo Exhibition@Toyama “World of the world -Gathering wind, to send off into the sky-”

Group Exhibition @Tokyo SYP Gallery “Overview vol.2

2021/12/18-12/26 Event
 グループ展@東京 SYP Gallery “Overview vol.2” Group Exhibition @Tokyo SYP Gallery  “Overview vol.2

Solo Exhibition@Tokyo “World of the world ‒ Under constellation 2021”

2021/07/01-07/25 Event
個展@東京 “World of the world - Under constellation 2021” Solo Exhibition@Tokyo “World of the world ‒ Under constellation 2021”

Solo Exhibition @Jakarta

2020/02/12-19 Event
個展@ジャカルタ Solo Exhibition @Jakarta

Solo Exhibition @Jogjakarta

2020/02/15-22 Event
個展@ジョグジャカルタ Solo Exhibition @Jogjakarta

Release a new website!

2019/10/28 News
ウェブサイトをリリースしました Release a new website!